Siôn Tomos Owen

Cartoonist and Television Presenter / Cartwnydd a Chyflwydd Teledu.
Treorci, Y Rhondda / Treorchy, Rhondda.

“I’ve always thought of independence as being a dream scenario for the future of our nation. Only recently have I begun to think about it as a practical choice. I never had any doubts about the ‘Why?” – that was always obvious. Why would anybody choose to be ruled by another country? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

The country that rules over us has adapted every situation to take advantage of Wales. We only have to think about our natural resources, the utterly unfair price we’re paying now and have done throughout our history and as we remember what happened to Tryweryn. They take advantage of our produce – as shown the creeping presence of the union jack on the design of the packaging of Welsh milk and Welsh lamb. They take advantage by investing our taxes in a brand new rail network between North and South England that will cost billions.

Every investment promised to us by Westminster has turned to dust in the wind. And that isn’t the result of cuts by any one party in particular, rather it is a result of the truth that, historically, Wales has been ignored. As a passionate, strong and robust country we must see that devolution should lead naturally to independence, otherwise we will be England and Westminster’s flogging horse for the rest of our days – until we dissolve and merely become a part of them. I don’t want to accept that Wales becoming part of England is an inevitability when we could, and should stand up for ourselves, as a country, as a people and as an independent nation.”


“Dwi wastad wedi meddwl am annibynniaeth fel breuddwyd ar gyfer ein dyfodol cenedlaethol. Dim ond yn ddiweddar yr wyf wedi dechrau meddwl amdano fel rhywbeth ymarferol y gallwn ei weithredu.. Doedd byth amheuaeth gen i am y ‘Pam?’ – roedd hynny wastad yn amlwg. Pam byse unrhyw un yn derbyn cael eu rheoli gan wlad arall? Dyw e ddim yn gwneud unrhyw synnwyr i mi.

Mae’r wlad sy’n ein rheoli wedi addasu pob sefyllfa i gymryd mantais o Gymru, o’n hadnoddau naturiol, fel y gwelwn o’r taliadau cwbwl anheg yn awr a thrwy gydol ein hanes ac wrth gofio Tryweryn. Maen nhw’n cymryd mantais o’n cynnyrch gyda chysgod banner yr undeb yn cripio’i ffordd ar draws dyluniad pecynnu llaeth a chig oen Cymreig. Maen nhw’n cymryd mantais trwy gymryd ein trethi i fuddsoddi mewn rhwydwaith trenau newydd sbon werth biliynnau rhwng Gogledd a De Lloegr.

Mae pob buddsoddiad gafodd ei addo gan San Steffan wedi troi’n llwch yn y gwynt ac nid oherwydd toriadau gan un blaid neu’r llall mae hynny; yn hanesyddol, mae Cymru wedi cael ei hanwybyddu. Mae’n rhaid i ni fel gwlad angerddol, gryf a chadarn ddechrau weld fod datganoli’n arwain yn naturiol i annibyniaeth, neu fe fyddwn ni’n arf grogi wedi’n clymu i Loegr a San Steffan am weddill ein hoes nes i ni ymdoddi a dod yn rhan ohono. Dwi ddim am dderbyn Cymru fel rhan anochel o Loegr pan gallen ni, a dylsen ni, sefyll fel gwlad, fel pobol, fel cenedl annibynnol.”