Llŷr Evans



“Annibyniaeth i Gymru? Pam ddim? Mae ein diwydiant, diwylliant ac economi wedi dioddef yn enbyd, ond does na’m pwynt edrych nol ar anghyfiawnderau’r blynyddoedd a fu. Mae’ bryd dangos i’r byd ein bod yn wlad gyfoes, fodern ac hyderus, ein bod ni’n falch o’n dwy ieithrwydd ac yn barod i gymeryd cam mawr nesa tuag at annibyniaeth. Ma’n siwr y gwnawn i ambell i gamgymeriad ar y ffordd, ond mi wnawn ni ddysgu ohonnynt gan mai’n camgymeriadau ni fydda nhw, a ni fyddwn yn gorfod dioddef oherwydd camgymeriadau ac agweddau nawddoglyd eraill.”

Independence for Wales? Why not? Our industry, culture and economy have suffered greatly – but there is point looking back at the injustices of the past. It is time for us to show the world that we are a modern and confident country, that we are proud of our bilingualism and are ready to take the next big step towards independence. It’s inevitable that we will make mistakes along the way, but we will learn from them as they will be our own mistakes, and we won’t have to suffer as a result of the mistakes and patronising attitudes of others.”