Drummer (Flaming Lips & Gruff Rhys) ,
Caerdydd / Cardiff ( via Lawrence U.S.A)
“Wales has been considered the red-headed stepchild of the United Kingdom for far too long. Wales has its own long-standing language, traditions, etc. that are completely disrespected by Westminster. I personally feel that the subjugation by the British government has had a deleterious effect on many Welsh people as they have forgotten (or were never taught) their heritage or their language and simply consider themselves “British”. I’m not a separatist, nor am I a nationalist. I mean, after all, I am an American who has chosen this beautiful country to be my home. What I do have a problem with, however, is the fact that the British government tried to wipe out the Welsh language and punished people for speaking it. I have a problem with the fact that my tax money goes to Westminster and only a fraction comes back here. I have a problem with the British government deciding that Liverpool having a water supply was more important than the gentle people of Tryweryn living in peace in their homes and their community and forced them to relocate before flooding their beautiful valley. It’s time for Wales to stop propping up the Westminster government while getting next to nothing in return. It’s time for Welsh people to stand up and be proud of their heritage! It’s time for the Welsh people to stand up and shout, “Cymru Am Byth!” so loudly it causes every Norman-built castle to crumble. It’s time for Wales to do Wales and reap the benefits of what we produce. Yes, Cymru!”
“Mae Cymru wedi cael ei thrin fel llysblentyn pengoch y teulu Prydeinig am lawer rhy hir. Mae gan Gymru ei hiaith hynafol a’i thraddodiadau hynod ei hun – sy’n cael eu diystyru’n llwyr gan San Steffan. Yn bersonol ryw’n credu fod gormes llywodraeth Prydain wedi cael effaith niweidiol iawn ar lawer o bobl Cymru gan eu bod wedi anghofio (neu heb gael eu dysgu) am eu treftadaeth na’u hiaith ac felly’n meddwl mai “Prydeinwyr” yn unig ydyn nhw. Dw i ddim yn arwahanwr, nag yn genedlaetholwr chwaith. Wedi’r cyfan, Americanwr ydw i sydd wedi dewis y wlad fendigedig yma fel cartref. Ond mae gen i broblem go iawn gyda’r ffaith fod llywodraeth Prydain wedi ceisio cael gwared ar yr iaith Gymraeg a chosbi pobl am ei siarad. Mae gen i broblem fod y trethi dw i’n eu talu’n mynd i San Steffan ac mai dim ond cyfran fach sy’n dod nôl i Gymru. Mae gen i broblem fod llywodraeth Prydain yn credu fod cyflenwi dŵr i ddinas Lerpwl yn bwysicach na bywyd bob dydd trigolion mwyn Tryweryn a’u hawl i fyw’n heddychlon yn eu cymuned; mae gen i broblem am iddynt gael eu gorfodi i adael eu cartrefi er mwyn boddi eu cwm hardd. Mae’n bryd i Gymru stopio cynnal llywodraeth San Steffan a chael dim ond briwsion fel diolch. Mae’n bryd i bobl Cymru godi ar eu traed ac ymfalchio yn eu treftadaeth! Mae’n amser i bobl Cymru godi ar eu traed a gweiddi “Cymru am Byth!” yn ddigon uchel i chwalu pob castell a godwyd yma gan y Normaniaid. Mae’n amser i Gymru ymddwyn fel Cymru go iawn a manteisio’n llawn ar bopeth rydyn ni’n ei gynhyrchu. Ie, Cymru!”