
Musician / Cerddor.
Caerdydd / Cardiff


“Beth petai yna ffyrdd eraill o gyd-fodoli? Beth petaem ni’n gallu trefnu’n hunain mewn ffordd wahanol? Mae yna anarchiaeth gynhenid mewn celf a photensial aruthrol i’w ddefnyddio er budd cyffredinnol wrth ddychmygu gwell dyfodol. Ry’n ni eisiau parhau’r sgwrs am ymreolaeth sy’n cynnwys pawb, a’i chyfoethogi gyda’n gorffennol, a chofleidio ein cymdogion ledled y Deyrnas Unedig a’r byd â breichiau agored wrth wneud yn siwr hefyd ein bod ni’n cyd-ganu’r gân orau bosib gyda’n gilydd.”

“What if there are other ways of co-existing? what if we can organise ourselves differently? There is an innate anarchy to art and an absolute potential in utilising it for the good whilst imagining better futures. We want to continue a conversation about an inclusive self-determination by drawing on our past, embracing our neighbours across the U.K and the world with open arms, whilst also making sure that we’re singing along to the best possible tune.”