Musician / Cerddor.
“Fel artist sydd wedi gwneud fy nghyrfa mewn cerddoriaeth ‘ddinesig’, mae’n allweddol mod i, fel sgwennwr geiriau, yn cynrychioli fy niwylliant, treftadaeth ac annibyniaeth. Oherwydd lle dw i’n byw, yn ddaearyddol, dw i ddim yn ffitio’r darlun ystrydebol o beth ddylai “Rapiwr” fod, sy’n grêt achos mae’n rhoi’r gallu i fi weld a deall pwysigrwydd y cysylltiad gyda fy mamwlad a fy hanes. O achos hynny, dw i’n ffeindio fy hun yn mynd o nerth i nerth mewn gyrfa sydd mor amrywiol â’r dirwedd dw i’n byw ynddo a dw i’n gallu rheoli, llywio a datblygu fy ngyrfa ym mha bynnag ffordd dw i’n ddewis. O fy safbwynt unigol fy hun, dw i’n gweld fod annibyniaeth yn bwysig a dw i’n meddwl y byddai Cymru’n elwa’n aruthrol o fod yn annibynnol. Byddai cael y gallu i reoli, llewyrchu a datblygu fel rhan o economi byd-eang yn gwreiddio’n diwylliant a’n dyfodol yn fwy cadarn fyth wrth i ni dorri llwybr ar gyfer y genhedlaeth iau.”
“As an artist that’s built a career in “urban” music, it’s imperative as a lyricist that I represent my culture, heritage and independence. Due to my geographical location, I don’t really fit the stereotypical image of what a “Rapper” is, which is great because it gives me the ability to see the importance of connecting with my homeland and history. Because of this, I have found myself thriving in a career that’s as diverse as the landscape I reside in, I have the ability to control, lead and develop my career how I choose. From an individual’s perspective, I see the importance of independence and I think that Wales would massively benefit from being independent. Having the ability to control, thrive and develop in the global economy would further solidify our culture and future whilst paving the way for the younger generation.”