Jeff Williams-Jones

Strategic Management Consultant and Lectures at Bangor University.


“Petai Cymru yn wladwriaeth annibynnol, byddai’n gallu datblygu ei hadnoddau yn llawn ac yn medru cystadlu’n llwyddiannus er lles ei phobl. Mae ei hanes dros y canrifoedd wedi dangos ei bod yn medru goroesi unrhyw rwystr ac, er gwaethaf pawb a phopeth, mae hi wedi datgelu cryfderau cystadleuol ei phobl mewn llawer maes amrywiol. Ac amrywiaeth ei phobl a chyfoeth ei hadnoddau naturiol yw ei chryfderau mwyaf, heb sôn am ei diwylliannau a’i chelfyddydau. Maen nhw oll yn cyfrannu tuag at genedl aeddfed sydd â’r gallu i lwyddo ym mhob agwedd yn y byd sydd ohoni. Ond mae rhaid cael cynllun i wireddu’r freuddwyd o fewn amser penodol.”



“Cymru has always been more than the sum of its parts. Cymru is rich because of its people, their talents and enthusiasm. Cymru is rich in its culture, both indigenous and acquired. Cymru is rich because of the potential to develop its natural resources even further. Cymru has the ability to compare very well with many independent countries in terms of GDP. But until it becomes a nation state with its own ability to choose a strategic direction, its wealth will continue to be dissipated. We must devise a plan to develop into an independent nation state, by a specific date, to realise our full potential and to determine our own future.”