Billy Webb

Goldie Looking Chain.
Casnewydd /  Newport.
As a nation we are politically apathetic and disengaged, lacking confidence in ourselves, poor in relation to the rest of the UK, sick in comparison to our neighbours and treated as an irrelevance. The causes are many and well documented but none of these will be remedied as part of our current unequal union based in Westminster.
We should not live in wilful acceptance of this situation. In order to shape our future we need to question whether we want to carry on as we are, in acceptance of our fate, or stand up and make a positive change for ourselves, our families, the left behind in our communities and our nation as whole.
The only logical way to assert control of our own issues, to build our institutions, to harness our resources in order to build a greener, more sustainable economy is through independence.
Billy Webb – Goldie Lookin Chain – Casnewydd/Newport
The UK is crap for Wales- I want out.)